Saturday, 26 July 2014

Gaza protest in Cardiff, Wales turns violent.

Drinkers in Cardiff's Walkabout Bar taunt pro-Palestinian protestors.

Protestor's react to racist taunts.

Further on as the march got to Mill Street tempers flare again and a protestor throws a table.

Tensions rise

Bar stools are thrown
An estimated 3,000 people converged in Cardiff, Wales today to protest in support of Palestine, on a day when a ceasefire was declared at 6am and was broken by 9am. As Welsh police had said they had no interest in policing the  march, local council employee's were drafted in as steward's. Therefore there were no police in sight when the protest turned violent after racist abuse and beer bottles were hurled at the protestors. Fortunately the protestors managed to police themselves and there were only two skirmishes which resulted in two people being arrested and one suffering a minor head injury.


  1. I agree with what you have written and i am glad what you have captured. I asked the protesters to ignore the racist remarks, you can not reason with a racist they lack intelligence and compassion. I felt humbled by the sea of humanity. My thought and photos will go on my blog today.

  2. Why would you shoot a protest in black and white?
