This includes perpetual online license, including social media use, within original context only.
Also includes provision of FTP upload of digital image files.
The rate does NOT include
any expenses, such as assistants, film, processing, couriers, travel,
models, props, stylists, producers, location scouts or managers, or
anything other than the creative fees.
Prep Days: 45% of the creative fee
Travel Days: 50% of the creative fee
Weather Days:75% of the creative fee
Cancellation fees
48-72 hours before: 40% of creative fee
24-48 hours before: 65% of creative fee
less than 24 hours before: 80% of creative fee
Please also include a short description of the subject(s) to be
photographed, and the intended use of the final
Pricing has been developed based on a variety of factors.
As every shoot is different, and requires different preparation, scouting, and post-production, contact us for an estimate specific to your needs.
As every shoot is different, and requires different preparation, scouting, and post-production, contact us for an estimate specific to your needs.
For a more detailed quote please email with the information below;
Email & Telephone contact details
How soon will the shoot be?
Location for the shoot
Personal use
£ 9.99
Non commercial use only, not for resale.
£ 9.99
To support a presentation/talk.
£ 29.99
Websites, Apps, Social Media, Blog, excludes advertising.
Magazines, newsletters and books
£ 39.99
Print/Digital, inside use only, 2,500 circulation.
Marketing package: Small business
£ 39.99
Small companies up to 10 employees.
Newspapers, one time use of a single image
This includes perpetual online license, including social media use, within original context only. Marketing package: Large business
£ 149.99
Large companies more than 10 employees.
If we find that you have used one of our images with out permission we will proceed to invoice you the above rate - per image used without permission - you will then have 30 days to settle the invoice from the date of issue, if the invoice remains unpaid we will then re-invoice you charging you a fixed sum of £40.00 for the cost of recovering a late commercial payment. (This is inline with current UK law.)
If we find that you have used one of our images with out permission we will proceed to invoice you the above rate - per image used without permission - you will then have 30 days to settle the invoice from the date of issue, if the invoice remains unpaid we will then re-invoice you charging you a fixed sum of £40.00 for the cost of recovering a late commercial payment. (This is inline with current UK law.)
Response to Requests for Free use of Photography
Dear potential photo buyer,
If you have been directed to this page, it is likely that you have
requested the use of an image or images for free or minimal
As professional photographers, we receive requests for free images on
a regular basis. In a perfect world, each of us would love to be able
to respond in a positive manner and assist, especially with projects or
efforts related to areas such as education, social issues, and
conservation of natural resources. It is fair to say that in many cases,
we wish we had the time and resources to do more to assist than just
send photographs.
Unfortunately, such are the practicalities of life that we are often
unable to respond, or that when we do, our replies are brief and do not
convey an adequate sense of the reasons underlying our response.
Circumstances vary for each situation, but we have found that there
are a number of recurring themes, which we have set out below with the
objective of communicating more clearly with you, and hopefully avoiding
misunderstandings or unintentionally engendering ill will.
Please take the following points in the constructive manner in which
they are intended. We certainly hope that after you have had a chance to
read this, we will be able to talk again and establish a mutually
beneficial working relationship.
Photographs Are Our Livelihood
Creating compelling images is the way we make our living. If we give
away our images for free, or spend too much time responding to requests
for free images, we cannot make a living.
We Do Support Worthy Causes With Images
Most of us do contribute photographs, sometimes more, to support
certain causes. In many cases, we may have participated directly in
projects that we support with images, or we may have a pre-existing
personal relationship with key people involved with the efforts
concerned. In other words, each of us can and does provide images
without compensation on a selective basis.
We Have Time Constraints
Making a leap from such selective support to responding positively to
every request we get for free photographs, however, is impractical, if
for no other reason than the substantial amount of time required to
respond to requests, exchange correspondence, prepare and send files,
and then follow-up to find out how our images were used and what
objectives, if any, were achieved. It takes a lot of time to respond to
requests, and time is always in short supply.
Pleas of “We Have No Money” Are Often Difficult to Fathom
The primary rationale provided in nearly all requests for free
photographs is budgetary constraint, meaning that the requestor pleads a
lack of funds.
Such requests frequently originate from organisations with a lot of
cash on hand, whether they be publicly listed companies, government or
quasi-government agencies, or even NGOs. Often, it is a simple matter of
taking a look at a public filing or other similar disclosure document
to see that the entity concerned has access to significant funding,
certainly more than enough to pay photographers a reasonable fee should
they choose to do so.
To make matters worse, it is apparent that all too often, of all the
parties involved in a project or particular effort, photographers are
the only ones being asked to work for free. Everyone else gets paid.
Given considerations like this, you can perhaps understand why we
frequently feel slighted when we are told that: “We have no money.” Such
claims can come across as a cynical ploy intended to take advantage of
gullible individuals.
We Have Real Budget Constraints
With some exceptions, photography is not a highly remunerative
profession. We have chosen this path in large part due to the passion we
have for visual communication, visual art, and the subject matters in
which we specialise.
The substantial increase in photographs available via the internet in
recent years, coupled with reduced budgets of many photo buyers, means
that our already meager incomes have come under additional strain.
Moreover, being a professional photographer involves significant monetary investment.
Our profession is by nature equipment-intensive. We need to buy
cameras, lenses, computers, software, storage devices, and more on a
regular basis. Things break and need to be repaired. We need back-ups of
all our data, as one ill-placed cup of coffee could literally erase
years of work. For all of us, investment in essential hardware and
software entails thousands of dollars a year, as we need to stay current
with new technology and best practices.
In addition, travel is a big part of many of our businesses. We must
spend a lot of money on transportation, lodging and other travel-related
And of course, perhaps most importantly, there is a substantial sum
associated with the time and experience we have invested to become
proficient at what we do, as well as the personal risks we often take.
Taking snapshots may only involve pressing the camera shutter release,
but creating images requires skill, experience and judgement.
So the bottom line is that although we certainly understand and can
sympathise with budget constraints, from a practical point of view, we
simply cannot afford to subsidise everyone who asks.
Getting “Credit” Doesn’t Mean Much
Part and parcel with requests for free images premised on budgetary
constraints is often the promise of providing “credit” and “exposure”,
in the form or a watermark, link, or perhaps even a specific mention, as
a form of compensation in lieu of commercial remuneration.
There are two major problems with this.
First, getting credit isn’t compensation. We did, after all, create
the images concerned, so credit is automatic. It is not something that
we hope a third party will be kind enough to grant us.
Second, credit doesn’t pay bills. As we hopefully made clear above,
we work hard to make the money required to reinvest in our photographic
equipment and to cover related business expenses. On top of that, we
need to make enough to pay for basic necessities like food, housing,
transportation, etc.
In short, receiving credit for an image we created is a given, not compensation, and credit is not a substitute for payment.
“You Are The Only Photographer Being Unreasonable”
When we do have time to engage in correspondence with people and
entities who request free photos, the dialogue sometimes degenerates
into an agitated statement directed toward us, asserting in essence that
all other photographers the person or entity has contacted are more
than delighted to provide photos for free, and that somehow, we are “the
only photographer being unreasonable”.
We know that is not true.
We also know that no reasonable and competent photographer would
agree to unreasonable conditions. We do allow for the fact that some
inexperienced photographers or people who happen to own cameras may
indeed agree to work for free, but as the folk wisdom goes: “You get
what you pay for.”
Please Follow-Up
One other experience we have in common is that when we do provide
photographs for free, we often do not receive updates, feedback or any
other form of follow-up letting us know how the event or project
unfolded, what goals (if any) were achieved, and what good (if any) our
photos did.
All too often, we don’t even get responses to emails we send to
follow-up, until, of course, the next time that someone wants free
In instances where we do agree to work for free, please have the
courtesy to follow-up and let us know how things went. A little
consideration will go a long way in making us feel more inclined to take
time to provide additional images in the future.
Wrap Up
We hope that the above points help elucidate why the relevant
photographer listed below has sent you to this link. All of us are
dedicated professionals, and we would be happy to work with you to move
forward in a mutually beneficial manner.
Note to photographers: You can use the above text under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Text by Tony Wu. Please ensure that you include a link to this page; Re-posted from Photo Professionals blog with Creative Commons permission.