Okay, Tim Page may not use a point-and-shoot camera...but his view of photojournalism is the best to adopt in an effort to achieve quality shot's, no matter what camera you use.
90% of the shots I have posted on this blog have been taken using a basic point-and-shoot camera. Apart from having to anticipate earlier when you want to take the shot to compensate for the shutter lag, lack of AE lock and lack of RAW file's I am able to use the same settings I would on my DSLR. I carry it everywhere, most of my shots on this blog have been taken on trips to the supermarket or doing the school run of which I do both.
The most inspiring word's I have heard ever about the drive and motivation necessary for good photojournalism are spoken by renowned war photojournalist Tim Page who is Adjunct Professor Of Photojournalism at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia. In this video shot by Alann Johnston at The Auckland Festival Of Photography in 2011 which can be viewed on Vimeo, (I have posted a link for this) Tim Page gives the best advice for any one who want's to tackle photojournalism I have ever heard:
Tim Page At The Aucklad Festival Of Photography (2011)
"I think that you've got to be extremely passionate about photography to keep going. My first comment to students is "How many of you have got a camera with you?" Two out of thirty will, I tell the rest they may as well leave. If you don't carry your camera with you all the time, what the fuck are you doing? I mean the only few times I've met Henri Cartier-Bresson he's got his Leica with him. I shoot 60%, 70%, 80% of my best pix when I'm not on assignment. When I'm mucking about, when I'm living, when I'm out on my daily walk, when I'm farting about. I take my camera to the supermarket, you're not supposed to are you!? I take it everywhere and the images that sell are stock pic's, the mundane, not the Gonzo that are different, but everyday life that have a quirky element.
"To find thing's that are interesting a little bit quirky, like Elliot Erwitt's Animal's, the pictures of the dogs.
"What are your quirks? When I go to foreign cities I always shoot windows, doorways. I've got a certain amount of stock that I shoot to make a story, still looking for a quirky, quintessential, classic element like er, erm, a doorknocker shaped like a penis. you've gotta find your own thing, something you pick up on. Not someone else's, not his pick up, not her pick up. That's what makes you different.
"It's easier to teach in Vietnam or Afghanistan because they work harder they've got more passion. In Oz they don't really care, they just want to stay at school and be supported for as long as they can living a fat life. They've got no chance of getting that decisive shot, they just dream of being the next Nachtwey because they haven't got the right motivation or enough drive".
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