Friday 21 November 2014

Radicalisation In Wales.

The BBC programme "Wales Report" used my images taken back in the summer, to illustrate a report on radicalisation in Wales, focusing on Cardiff, from where two men are known to have joined the fight with IS.

 In the programme Cardiff South and Penarth MP Stephen Doughty called for action over the behaviour which he described as "very twisted".

   7% of British citizens sympathises with Islamic militant group ISIS, a poll from earlier this year discovered. The poll carried out by ICM for a Russian news agency investigated European attitudes to the group.

 This is how the demographic break down 4% of 18-24-year-olds saying they either strongly or somewhat support ISIS, compared to 6% of 24-35-year-olds surveyed and 11% of 35-44-year-olds.

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