Monday 22 September 2014

Manchester's Kurdish Community Protests For Release Of Turkish Political Prisoner & Against Isis.

 Around fifty members of Manchester's Kurdish community gathered in Piccadily Gardens late yesterday afternoon, protesting against the attacks on Kurdistani civilians by Isis. They were also demonstrating their support for Abullah Ocolan and calling for his release.
   Abdullah Ocolan has been held in a Turkish jail for the past five years, after being arrested for protesting against the Isis attacks in Kobane Canton and Rojova in northern Syria.
  Muhsen Haj-Mansoor, 20, a Kurd living in Manchester said "The Turkish goverment need to stop helping Isis, my best friend went to Syria to fight Isis and now he is dead, he was only 21. Do you know Turkey supports Isis?  They give them weapons! People in my community say that Ocolan is the second Mandela."

An image of Abdullah Ocolan can be seen on the flag in this image.

Muhsen Haj-Mansoor, (20).

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